St Patrick's Easter generosity

St. Patrick’s Primary Blacktown staff donated Easter eggs and bags to create Easter packages to give to the poor on the streets. Some of our Mini Vinnies students sorted and bagged the Easter eggs in preparation for delivery to the Patrician Brothers Vinnies Team.

Since our students were too young to work on the Vinnies Van, the Patrician Brothers Vinnies team gladly assisted us in distributing our Easter eggs to the poor on the streets.

Emmanuela and Dorothy preparing the Easter packages
Emmanuela and Dorothy helped prepare the Easter packages.

A handwritten Easter Card containing the seasons blessings was placed in each bag or attached to the bunnies.

The Mini Vinnies team wrote cards with Easter blessings and wishes
The Mini Vinnies team wrote cards that contained Easter blessings and wishes.

Student teacher, Linda Cartright, with students Aboul, Audrey, Emmanuela and Dorothy bagging the eggs
Student teacher, Linda Cartright, with students Aboul, Audrey, Emmanuela and Dorothy bagged the eggs.

St Patrick's students also participated in Project Compassion fundraising through Project Compassion boxes that were located in each class which students contributed to.