Leadership Day Reflection



On Thursday 30th November, Year 5 students participated in a leadership day in preparation for their roles as leaders in 2018. Year 12 school leaders from Patrician Brothers College Blacktown and Nagle College spoke to the students about Leadership. One of their key messages was never give up and keep persevering.

During the day, facilitated by Mrs Ewer, Mr Browne, Mrs Vrontas and Mr Crowley, our leaders for next year were highly engaged and participated in a variety of activities aimed at developing their leadership skills.

During the day, Year 12 school leaders from Patrician Brothers College Blacktown and Nagle College spoke to the students about Leadership. One of their key messages was never give up and keep persevering.

Here are some of the students beliefs about leadership.

Leadership is respecting everybody and showing good values - Adam
Leadership is a role everyone has. You don’t need a badge, however, you need to be a role model and help others. You need to be responsible, persistent and respectful - Elisa
Leadership is not about boasting or showing off, but it’s about one life influencing others - Pryiesh
Leadership is more than popularity and how smart you are, it involves passion, respect and commitment - Louise